Supplementary Table 6 RH Map of RIKEN Clones using RH databases
A statistic of the map using the Whitehead and Jackson Laboratory RH databases is shown in the Table below. Detailed clone mapping results including information on SeqID, CloneID, GenBank accession, mouse chromosome and accumulative cR can be retrieved by clicking on the hyperlinked numbers in colums 2 and 3.

Chromosome RIKEN clone matches to the RH data set
Whitehead cDNA (EST) Jackson Lab. cDNA (EST)
1 174 211
2 239  298
3 159  214
4 188  237
5 186  200
6 143 183
7 164  206
8 132  168
9 138 205
10 120 154
11 168 223
12 106 134
13 89 157
14 95 105
15 110 146
16 101 141
17 112 145
18 91 97
19 104 132
X 39 61
Y NA 1
Total matches 2,658  3,418

NA: not applicable
2,469 RIKEN clones matched 2,658 Whitehead cDNAs.
3,085 RIKEN clones matched 3,418 Jackson Laboratory cDNAs.