

The RIKEN Mouse Gene Encyclopedia Project, a systematic approach to determining the full coding potential of the mouse genome, involves collection and sequencing of full-length complementary DNAs and physical mapping of the corresponding genes to the mouse genome. We, the RIKEN Genome Exploration Research (GER) group, have organized an international meeting (FANTOM) in 2000 to annotate our first 21,076 cDNAs. The outcome was published in Nature vol.409, page 685-690.
o About FANTOM1
o Freezed database and web site for FANTOM1 data (Feb 8th, 2000)


After FANTOM meeting, RIKEN group has been continued to construct mouse fully-length cDNAs. For annotating these new and large collection of cDNAs with advanced strategy, we held FANTOM2 collaborative research.
The FANTOM2 will consist of three parts;
1. Typhoon meeting (Brain storming meeting to develop new concept for higher annotation using about 45,000 FANTOM typhoon set as a test set)
2. MATRICS (Mouse Annotation Teleconference for RIken CDNA Sequences)
3. FANTOM2 Meeting (report and discuss about annotation results

1. FANTOM2 Typhoon Meeting

We held this meeting from October 15th to 19th, 2001 to discuss strategies and rules for higher-level functional annotation using information including expression profiline, mapping and protein interaction data, and conventional sequence similarity search. We also discussed how the MATRICS (online annotation of RIKEN sequences, Mouse Annotation Teleconference for RIKEN cDNA sequences) should be organized. We had prepared about 46,000 sequences as a test set for FANTOM2 Typhoon meeting and had executed a variety of useful analyses on these sequences before the FANTOM2 Typhoon meeting.


MATRICS stands for Mouse Annotation Teleconference for RIken CDNA Sequence. This will be held between the FANTOM2-Typhoon meeting and the FANTOM2 Meeting. In this teleconference, curators will annotate RIKEN cDNA sequences via Internet with the FANTOM system in their offices using a secure server system.

3. FANTOM2 Cherry Blossom Meeting

After the MATRICS, we held a meeting from April 29th to May 4th in 2002 to report and discuss the functional annotation results and biologically interesting findings.