Supplementary Information 13
A. Masked repeat elements in the FANTOM2 clone set.
Repeat Class No. of masked repeats Repeat length [bp] % of total clone sequence
SINE 45,125 5,829,996 4.86%
LINE 8,846 2,837,240 2.37%
LTR 10,064 2,960,662 2.47%
RNA 548 40,937 0.03%
DNA 2,843 474,385 0.40%
Satellite 66 14,863 0.01%
Simple repeat 23,128 1,077,170 0.90%
Unknown/Others 312 90,194 0.08%
Low complexity 14,929 624,385 0.52%
Total 105,861 13,949,832 11.64%
Numbers are based on the RepeatMasker outputs of 60,770 cDNA clones 
B. TU (RTPS) based repeat element analysis for FANTOM2 cDNA clones 
Summary of repeat containing FANTOM2 RTPS Tus
Total No. of repeats 51,372
FANTOM2 RTPS representatives 25,438
FANTOM2 RTPS representatives with one or more repeats (incl. low complexity) 16,473 (64.76%)
FANTOM2 RTPS representatives with CDS start and end positions 8,692 (34.17%)
FANTOM2 RTPS representatives with CDS overlap in one or more repeats * 1,232 (14.17%)
Total length of FANTOM2 RTPS representative [bp]  50,911,383
Total repeat length [bp]  8,401,011
% repeat length of FANTOM2 RTPS representative length 16.50%
* % is based on the 8,692 CDS containing FANTOM2 RTPS members
Summary of repeat classes occuring in FANTOM2 RTPS TUs
REPEAT CLASS No. of repeats in FANTOM2 RTPS members Repeat-containing FANTOM2 RTPS members FANTOM2 RTPS members with CDS overlap in one or more repeats Repeat length [bp] and % FANTOM2 RTPS members
LINE 6,955 (13.54%) 4,387 254 2,083,083 (4.09%)
LTR 7,754 (15.09%) 5,020 246 2,055,818 (4.04%)
SINE 25,830 (50.28%) 11,005 412 3,368,332 (6.62%)
RNA 281 (0.55%) 270 8 21,604 (0.04%)
DNA 1,746 (3.40%) 1,507 23 287,105 (0.56%)
Satellite 40 (0.08%) 36 2 12,538 (0.02%)
Simple repeat 7,581 (14.76%) 5,820 378 426,784 (0.84%)
Others 6 (0.01%) 3 2 904 (0.00%)
Unknown 242 (0.47%) 199 2 63,929 (0.13%)
Low complexity 930 (1.81%) 866 113 80,914 (0.16%)
Total 51,372 * n/a *n/a 8,401,011
* Numbers were calculated per repeat class. Since one FANTOM2 RTPS member can contain multiple repeats of different classes the numbers were not summed up.  
Summary of repeat families occuring in FANTOM2 RTPS TUs
REPEAT FAMILY No. of repeats in FANTOM2 RTPS members Repeat-containing FANTOM2 RTPS members FANTOM2 RTPS members with repeat-CDS overlap Repeat length [bp]
LINE/CR1 22 22 1 3,176
LINE/L1 6,674 4,191 299 2,036,757
LINE/L2 259 236 7 43,150
LTR 816 671 17 233,342
LTR/ERV 3 2 1 1,278
LTR/ERV1 413 303 24 137,496
LTR/ERVK 1,259 822 85 438,021
(LTR/ERVK) 38 35 1 9,153
LTR/ERVL 354 312 21 88,747
LTR/MaLR 4,869 3,533 141 1,147,781
SINE/Alu 11,249 6,911 224 1,277,948
SINE/B2 6,495 4,626 116 1,040,736
SINE/B4 6,453 4,700 142 898,904
SINE/ID 1,018 966 9 73,347
SINE/MIR 607 569 10 77,397
RNA 6 6 0 758
rRNA 13 13 1 1,052
scRNA 114 112 3 9,006
snRNA 50 49 3 4,266
srpRNA 4 4 0 438
tRNA 95 93 1 6,084
DNA 50 46 0 6,462
DNA/AcHobo 62 51 1 11,252
DNA/MER1 type 1,218 1,090 18 192,344
(DNA/MER1 type) 15 14 0 2,140
DNA/MER2 type 358 309 5 67,577
DNA/Mariner 27 23 0 4,737
DNA/T2 type 6 4 0 935
DNA/Tc2 10 10 0 1,658
Satellite 40 36 2 12,538
Simple repeat 7,581 5,820 378 426,784
Low complexity 930 866 113 80,914
Other 5 2 0 848
Other/Y chr. 1 1 0 56
Unknown 207 171 2 61,704
Unknown/Y chr. 35 28 0 2,225
TOTAL 51,356 * n/a * n/a 8,401,011
* Numbers were calculated per repeat family. Since one FANTOM2 RTPS member can contain multiple repeats of different classes the numbers were not summed up.  
The statistics for the FANTOM2 RTPS members was derived from the RepeatMasker outputs of all FANTOM2 clones. For the analysis repeats were counted if their Smith-Waterman score exceeded 225. The CDS overlap (>1bp) was determined from the CDS start and end positions. The repeat family assignments in parenthesis are tentative.