Columns in weighted mappings files 1. uniq_tag_sequence - unique CAGE tag sequences 2. tag_count_library - total tag counts in library. SUM( tag_count_timecourse ) = tag_count_library 3. edit_string - what type of editing was performed on tag sequence when mapping to chromosome 4. chr - chromosome 5. strand - tag direction 6. start - starting position 7. end - ending position 8. percentage - percent match (always 100) 9. map_pos - number of locations this tag mapped to the chromosome 10. ribo_flag - tag mapped to ribosome equal or better than chromosome? 11. refseq_flag - tag mapped to refseq better than chromosome? 12. time_course - time course which tag appeared 13. tag_count_timecourse - number of tags with specified timecourse 14. tpm_in_ribo - tag per million per timecourse including ribosome flagged tags 15. tpm_ex_ribo - tag per million per timecourse excluding ribosome_flagged tags 16. weight - weight of expression 17. rescue_weight - weight from "guilt-by-association" rescue i.e. to calculate total mapped tags ignore ribo_flag = RIBOSOME tags and multiply column 13 by column 17 (count by weight). To calculate signal (tpm) for a tag in a position multiply column 15 by column 17. Columns in normalised tag clusters files: 1. chromosome 2. start 3. stop 4. strand For human: 5. to 16. tpm values 17. to 28. counts For mouse: 5. to 17. tpm values 18. to 30. counts Columns are in same order as Fig 1a and Fig 1b. For all mapping and clustering methods see Methods section.