In this directory we stored expression files for the CAGE libraries used in Lizio_et_al. Two expression tables (raw counts and normalized TPM counts) for all libraries are provided here. Mapping data and TSS bed files are available from DDBJ data archive with accession number DRA002420. List of sample names and their associated library IDs and barcode sequence. Sample libraryID barcode ASCL1_2_batch1A_rep1 CThi10083 ACC ASCL1_2_batch1A_rep2 CThi10083 TGA ASCL1_2_batch1A_rep3 CThi10083 GTA ATF5_batch1A_rep1 CThi10077 GCG ATF5_batch1A_rep2 CThi10077 CTT ATF5_batch1A_rep3 CThi10078 ACC DACH1_2_batch1A_rep1 CThi10082 GTA DACH1_2_batch1A_rep2 CThi10082 CAC DACH1_2_batch1A_rep3 CThi10082 AGT GATA4_batch4_rep1 CThi10039 TGA GATA4_batch4_rep2 CThi10039 GTA GATA4_batch4_rep3 CThi10039 CAC GTF3A_batch1A_rep1 CThi10080 CAC GTF3A_batch1A_rep2 CThi10080 AGT GTF3A_batch1A_rep3 CThi10080 TAG HMGA1_batch1A_rep1 CThi10078 TGA HMGA1_batch1A_rep2 CThi10078 GTA HMGA1_batch1A_rep3 CThi10078 CAC HMGB2_batch1A_rep1 CThi10078 AGT HMGB2_batch1A_rep2 CThi10078 TAG HMGB2_batch1A_rep3 CThi10078 GCG HOPX_batch1A_rep1 CThi10083 GCG HOPX_batch1A_rep2 CThi10083 CTT HOPX_batch1A_rep3 CThi10084 ACC ISL1_batch3_rep1 CThi10038 ACC ISL1_batch3_rep2 CThi10038 TGA ISL1_batch3_rep3 CThi10038 GTA LMX1A_1_batch1A_rep1 CThi10084 TGA LMX1A_1_batch1A_rep2 CThi10084 GTA LMX1A_1_batch1A_rep3 CThi10084 CAC MLXIPL_batch1A_rep1 CThi10083 CAC MLXIPL_batch1A_rep2 CThi10083 AGT MLXIPL_batch1A_rep3 CThi10083 TAG MNX1_batch1A_rep1 CThi10082 TAG MNX1_batch1A_rep2 CThi10082 GCG MNX1_batch1A_rep3 CThi10082 CTT Negative_control_batch1A_rep1 CThi10077 ACC Negative_control_batch1A_rep2 CThi10077 TGA Negative_control_batch1A_rep3 CThi10077 GTA Negative_control_batch1B_rep1 CThi10077 CAC Negative_control_batch1B_rep2 CThi10077 AGT Negative_control_batch1B_rep3 CThi10077 TAG Negative_control_batch2_rep1 CThi10084 AGT Negative_control_batch2_rep2 CThi10084 TAG Negative_control_batch2_rep3 CThi10084 GCG Negative_control_batch3_rep1 CThi10038 GCG Negative_control_batch3_rep2 CThi10038 CTT Negative_control_batch3_rep3 CThi10039 ACC Negative_control_batch4_rep1 CThi10039 AGT Negative_control_batch4_rep2 CThi10039 TAG Negative_control_batch4_rep3 CThi10039 GCG NEUROD1_batch1A_rep1 CThi10081 TGA NEUROD1_batch1A_rep2 CThi10081 GTA NEUROD1_batch1A_rep3 CThi10081 CAC NEUROD1_batch2_rep1 CThi10085 GTA NEUROD1_batch2_rep2 CThi10085 CAC NEUROD1_batch2_rep3 CThi10085 AGT NROB2_batch1A_rep1 CThi10080 GCG NROB2_batch1A_rep2 CThi10080 CTT NROB2_batch1A_rep3 CThi10081 ACC NROB2_batch2_rep1 CThi10085 TAG NROB2_batch2_rep2 CThi10085 GCG NROB2_batch2_rep3 CThi10085 CTT PAX4_batch2_rep1 CThi10084 CTT PAX4_batch2_rep2 CThi10085 ACC PAX4_batch2_rep3 CThi10085 TGA PAX4_batch3_rep1 CThi10038 CAC PAX4_batch3_rep2 CThi10038 AGT PAX4_batch3_rep3 CThi10038 TAG PAX6_batch2_rep1 CThi10086 ACC PAX6_batch2_rep2 CThi10086 TGA PAX6_batch2_rep3 CThi10086 GTA PROX1_batch1A_rep1 CThi10081 AGT PROX1_batch1A_rep2 CThi10081 TAG PROX1_batch1A_rep3 CThi10081 GCG RFX6_batch1A_rep1 CThi10081 CTT RFX6_batch1A_rep2 CThi10082 ACC RFX6_batch1A_rep3 CThi10082 TGA SHOX2_batch2_rep1 CThi10086 CAC SHOX2_batch2_rep2 CThi10086 AGT SHOX2_batch2_rep3 CThi10086 TAG TAF10_batch1A_rep1 CThi10078 CTT TAF10_batch1A_rep2 CThi10079 ACC TAF10_batch1A_rep3 CThi10079 TGA TAF9_batch1A_rep1 CThi10079 GTA TAF9_batch1A_rep2 CThi10079 CAC TAF9_batch1A_rep3 CThi10079 AGT TBP_batch1A_rep1 CThi10079 TAG TBP_batch1A_rep2 CThi10079 GCG TBP_batch1A_rep3 CThi10079 CTT TCF25_batch1A_rep1 CThi10080 ACC TCF25_batch1A_rep2 CThi10080 TGA TCF25_batch1A_rep3 CThi10080 GTA