Full Name: CNhs12851_bu_f0
Motif matrix
PO | A | C | G | T | 1 | 830.1677070483778 | 790.8267461646977 | 135.9830420956831 | 245.3751376638482 | 2 | 959.9476234873592 | 246.63536151632658 | 571.5858452757648 | 224.18380269315603 | 3 | 952.1111750806008 | 40.63851442642467 | 914.8339357670233 | 94.7690076985575 | 4 | 1130.5794954126013 | 197.86724300202482 | 665.0162609377903 | 8.889633620188059 | 5 | 1914.1542971776487 | 7.530153742904595 | 72.79898614988473 | 7.869195902169197 | 6 | 53.56388298970756 | 0.942594049566372 | 1893.5129999465235 | 54.33315598680961 | 7 | 10.026207224985031 | 24.208609207793597 | 1960.9397977904125 | 7.178018749415662 | 8 | 415.7272842057314 | 1499.3590327183906 | 32.602459749237944 | 54.663856299248216 | 9 | 1665.0174068344081 | 164.04333330808933 | 11.171782328883575 | 162.12011050122496 | 10 | 387.94339696676946 | 223.73854967020503 | 1353.762476895706 | 36.90820943992693 | 11 | 1351.8922714779098 | 128.8783375590923 | 187.00877378708515 | 334.57325014851887 | 12 | 354.190439835163 | 307.28452798718456 | 653.4435506993248 | 687.4341144509356 |
Sample specificity
The values shown are the p-values of the motif in FANTOM5 samples. <br>Analyst: Michiel de Hoon
TomTom analysis
<br>Analyst: Michiel de Hoon and Hiroko Ohmiya
No results for this motif