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Showing 20 pages using this property.
wound healing/regeneration 9  +
periosteal circumference 2  +
periosteal circumference 4  +
periosteal circumference 5  +
induction of brown adipocytes 5  +
alopecia areata  +
cystic fibrosis survival to weaning 2  +
spatial learning 2  +
conditioned avoidance  +
open field activity and conditioned avoidance 3  +
F-line obesity QTL 3b  +
proteoglycan induced arthritis 27  +
proteoglycan induced arthritis 28  +
rotarod performance 1  +
rotarod performance 2  +
capsaicin sensitivity related QTL 1  +
capsaicin sensitivity related QTL 3  +
autoimmune extremity vasculitis in MRL mice 2  +
colon tumor susceptibility 12  +
colon tumor susceptibility 15  +