Full Name: CNhs13156_bu_f0
Motif matrix
PO | A | C | G | T | 1 | 253.52577289152336 | 213.00754496961005 | 360.04898126885877 | 134.97570627091667 | 2 | 314.2757311054767 | 34.21355523547893 | 296.89090227206646 | 316.1778167878866 | 3 | 39.48254044465928 | 1.3340026404384555 | 547.2322923051655 | 373.50917001064516 | 4 | 154.8510764710673 | 324.2778287361026 | 365.55206437817577 | 116.87703581556335 | 5 | 0.0 | 961.5580054009095 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 6 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 961.5580054009095 | 7 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 961.5580054009095 | 0.0 | 8 | 27.361000862149318 | 0.0 | 488.7390354293703 | 445.4579691093895 | 9 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 958.1530453056512 | 3.4049600952582586 | 10 | 228.23015882691573 | 319.6946419484268 | 385.85194759245735 | 27.781257033108698 | 11 | 126.33978437433498 | 288.91715483167917 | 144.90685036835222 | 401.3942158265427 | 12 | 75.84093782903855 | 394.33439129895504 | 381.8554545874742 | 109.52722168544159 |
Sample specificity
The values shown are the p-values of the motif in FANTOM5 samples. <br>Analyst: Michiel de Hoon
TomTom analysis
<br>Analyst: Michiel de Hoon and Hiroko Ohmiya
No results for this motif