Full Name: TEAD1_f1
Motif matrix
PO | A | C | G | T | 1 | 9.509433962264142 | 2.5056603773584887 | 9.992452830188679 | 7.818867924528288 | 2 | 6.279245283018873 | 8.332075471698113 | 14.249056603773568 | 0.9660377358490548 | 3 | 11.10943396226413 | 11.954716981132057 | 3.2603773584905555 | 3.5018867924528245 | 4 | 5.313207547169797 | 2.4150943396226383 | 11.833962264150937 | 10.264150943396205 | 5 | 0.9660377358490548 | 17.267924528301883 | 10.867924528301893 | 0.7245283018867917 | 6 | 14.732075471698105 | 1.4490566037735835 | 0.0 | 13.645283018867909 | 7 | 3.381132075471705 | 2.1735849056603755 | 22.94339622641507 | 1.328301886792452 | 8 | 6.279245283018873 | 2.052830188679244 | 21.494339622641487 | 0.0 | 9 | 23.305660377358485 | 1.086792452830189 | 0.0 | 5.433962264150947 | 10 | 29.8264150943396 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 0.0 | 11 | 0.0 | 2.777358490566036 | 0.0 | 27.04905660377358 | 12 | 5.071698113207528 | 0.0 | 18.596226415094318 | 6.158490566037723 | 13 | 0.7245283018867917 | 5.916981132075454 | 1.811320754716981 | 21.373584905660366 | 14 | 8.271698113207538 | 6.098113207547177 | 13.826415094339604 | 1.6301886792452807 |
Sample specificity
The values shown are the p-values of the motif in FANTOM5 samples. <br>Analyst: Michiel de Hoon
TomTom analysis
<br>Analyst: Michiel de Hoon and Hiroko Ohmiya
No results for this motif