OP-RNA-extraction-totalRNA-RiboPure minelute cleanup-v1.0
Protocol: OP-RNA-extraction-totalRNA-RiboPure_minelute_cleanup-v1.0 Protocol name: Ribopure Blood RNA extraction and RNeasy MinElute Cleanup protocol Version: v1.0 Author: Ambion, QIAGEN Created: 2011/07/05 Description: Contents: 1. Standard protocol from Ambion in English File:Ribopure blood ver1.pdf RiboPure™-Blood Instruction Manual URL: http://www.ambion.com/jp/techlib/prot/fm_1928.pdf 2. Standard protocol from QIAGEN in English. RNeasy MinElute Cleanup Kit URL: http://www.qiagen.com/literature/render.aspx?id=351
Notes: Note this is one of the few protocols that can work on whole blood (ie no need to remove RBCs). Can also be used on RNAlater stored blood. The protocol actually extracts RNA from the pellet. If it is critical that you also get any RNA in the serum/plasma I would recommend using this kit first and TrizolLS on the plasma fraction