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Name:vitreous chamber of eyeball
Definition:"The posterior chamber is a narrow chink behind the peripheral part of the iris of the human eye, and in front of the suspensory ligament of the lens and the ciliary processes the Posterior Chamber consists of small space directly posterior of the Iris but anterior to the lens. [WP,unvetted]." [Wikipedia:Vitreous_chamber]


Synonyms: "camera postrema" EXACT []
"camera postrema bulbi oculi" EXACT [FMA:58848, FMA:TA]
"camera vitrea" EXACT []
"camera vitrea bulbi" EXACT []
"postremal chamber" EXACT []
"postremal chamber of eyeball" EXACT []
"vitreous chamber" EXACT []
Comments:This class was created automatically from a combination of ontologies
Alt_id: UBERON:FMA_58848-MA_0002461
Subset: uberon_slim

Ontology association<br>Each term has an is_a parent in the Uberon Ontology, which has a linkage to an another entity and FANTOM5 samples.Libraries were grouped into mutually exclusive facets according to the FANTOM5 sample ontology mapping to UBERON ontologies.<br><br>link to ontology dataset<br>data


is_a:UBERON:0006311(chamber of eyeball)
part_of:UBERON:0001802(posterior segment of eyeball)


part of:UBERON:0001798 (vitreous body)

Ontology Tree: Loaded from BioPortal

Ontorolgy tree(Small window open)

FF samples<br>It includes FANTOM5 samples that overlay the Uberon ontology

Human (Homo sapiens)

Enrichment analysis: top 100 FFCP enriched with this ontology term TOP 100 FANTOM5 Cage Peaks enriched with UBERON:0001799 (vitreous chamber of eyeball), sorted by p-values <br>Analyst: Hideya Kawaji<br><br>link to source dataset <br>human : data <br>mouse : data

No analysis results