CAGE Basic Viewer  CAGE Basic Viewer   for  Mus musculus
Friday, 18 October 2024 
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Library Summary
CAGE Library ID : 031AA
Linker Method Primer Type Mixed Clones Tags Tags/clone Mapped
tags (rate)
Unmapped tags CTSSs TCs TUs
No hit (rate) Multiple (rate)
Monomer Oligo dT No 240 133 0.55 25 (19%) 93 (70%) 15 (11%) 25 25 25
RNA Libraries
RNA Lib. ID Tissue Type Stage Tags Mapped
tags (rate)
-1 N/A.  -1 (N/A.) 2 1 (50%)1 1 1
AU brain  TS-21 (Anterior footplate indented) 7 3 (43%)3 3 3
AW brain  TS-23 (Fingers & Toes separate) 18 5 (28%)5 5 5
DO brain  TS-22 (Fingers separate distally) 15 4 (27%)4 4 4
II brain  TS-20 (Earliest sign of fingers) 45 3 (7%)3 3 3
IJ brain  TS-24 (Reposition of umbilical hernia) 46 9 (20%)9 9 9
Detail of Summary in : » chr_no  » plate_id  
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