Atoh1+ Inner ear hair cells - organ of corti, pool1.CNhs12533.12158-128G7 | 19.54 |
CD326+ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool1.CNhs13242.11850-124I5 | 43.27 |
CD326+ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool2.CNhs13233.11851-124I6 | 35.94 |
CD326+ enterocyte, pool1.CNhs13542.11848-124I3 | 53.54 |
CD326+ enterocyte, pool2.CNhs13197.11849-124I4 | 53.60 |
CD326++ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool1.CNhs13236.11852-124I7 | 35.25 |
CD326++ enterocyte isolated from mice, treated with RANKL, day03, pool2.CNhs13210.11853-124I8 | 38.31 |
CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl).CNhs13221.11818-124E9 | 10.33 |
CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool1 (C57BL_6J).CNhs13219.11816-124E7 | 13.37 |
CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, PMA and ionomycin stimulation, 02hr, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl).CNhs13226.11820-124F2 | 11.00 |
CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, antiCD3_CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool1 (C57BL_6J).CNhs13218.11815-124E6 | 10.27 |
CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, antiCD3_CD28 stimulation, 06hr, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl).CNhs13225.11819-124F1 | 11.01 |
CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, pool1 (C57BL_6J).CNhs13217.11813-124E4 | 16.09 |
CD4+CD25-CD44- naive conventional T cells, pool2 (Balb_cAJcl).CNhs13220.11817-124E8 | 13.20 |
CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor1.CNhs13079.11774-124A1 | 23.65 |
CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor2.CNhs13213.11776-124A3 | 25.31 |
CD41+ megakaryocyte cancer, donor3.CNhs13506.11778-124A5 | 22.39 |
CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor1.CNhs13212.11775-124A2 | 16.40 |
CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor2.CNhs13214.11777-124A4 | 18.24 |
CD41+ megakaryocyte control, donor3.CNhs13201.11779-124A6 | 12.73 |
Clontech Mouse Universal Reference Total RNA, pool1.CNhs10609.10001-101A3 | 22.62 |
EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep1.CNhs11058.12972-138H2 | 17.57 |
EBF KO HPCs induced to T cell, 00hr00min, biol_rep2.CNhs12980.12988-138I9 | 15.67 |
Follicle Associated Epithelium, pool2.CNhs13211.10262-104D1 | 35.20 |
Follicle Associated Epithelium, pool3.CNhs13200.10263-104D2 | 30.74 |
GP2+ M cell, pool1.CNhs13228.11845-124H9 | 33.31 |
GP2+ M cell, pool2.CNhs13231.11846-124I1 | 38.77 |
GP2+ M cell, pool3.CNhs13240.11847-124I2 | 42.45 |
Ileum epithelium, pool1.CNhs13199.10252-104B9 | 43.52 |
Ileum epithelium, pool2.CNhs13232.10253-104C1 | 38.06 |
Ileum epithelium, treated with RANKL, day03, pool3.CNhs13234.10260-104C8 | 35.92 |
J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep1.CNhs12449.13063-139I3 | 12.70 |
J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep2.CNhs12668.13129-140G6 | 16.61 |
J2E erythroblastic leukemia response to erythropoietin, 00hr00min, biol_rep3.CNhs12770.13195-141E9 | 15.85 |
Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool1.CNhs12555.12228-129F5 | 17.91 |
Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool2.CNhs12556.12229-129F6 | 18.12 |
Lgr5 positive intestinal stem cells, pool3.CNhs12557.12230-129F7 | 15.52 |
MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor1 (10,11,12 3LL).CNhs12539.12159-128G8 | 16.74 |
MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor2 (0127 3LL).CNhs12198.12161-128H1 | 8.59 |
MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells cancer, donor3 (0128 3LL).CNhs12542.12163-128H3 | 9.95 |
MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor1 (4,5,6PBS).CNhs12540.12160-128G9 | 4.71 |
MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor2 (0127 PBS).CNhs12541.12162-128H2 | 9.56 |
MC1+Gr1+ myeloid-derived suppressor cells control, donor3 (0128 PBS).CNhs12543.12164-128H4 | 9.22 |
Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells - differentiated, biol_rep1.CNhs11055.11484-119D8 | 24.55 |
Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells - differentiated, biol_rep2.CNhs11056.11485-119D9 | 23.92 |
Mouse Aortic Smooth Muscle cells, donor1.CNhs11297.11299-117B3 | 21.84 |
Mouse Astrocytes - cerebellar, donor1.CNhs13077.11708-123B7 | 15.65 |
Mouse Astrocytes - cerebellar, donor2.CNhs12076.11550-120C2 | 21.15 |
Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor1.CNhs12129.11709-123B8 | 17.79 |
Mouse Astrocytes - hippocampus, donor2.CNhs12077.11551-120C3 | 21.58 |
Mouse Astrocytes, donor2.CNhs12078.11552-120C4 | 27.58 |
Mouse Astrocytes, donor3.CNhs12107.11633-122C4 | 20.13 |
Mouse CD19+ B Cells, donor1.CNhs13531.11856-125A2 | 11.24 |
Mouse CD4+ T Cells, donor1.CNhs13509.11854-124I9 | 9.43 |
Mouse CD8+ T Cells, donor1.CNhs13511.11855-125A1 | 10.08 |
Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor1.CNhs12355.11711-123C1 | 36.79 |
Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor2.CNhs12356.11729-123E1 | 38.11 |
Mouse Cardiac Myocytes, donor3.CNhs12353.11634-122C5 | 43.83 |
Mouse Granule cells, donor1.CNhs12131.11713-123C3 | 27.11 |
Mouse Granule cells, donor2.CNhs12357.11731-123E3 | 22.75 |
Mouse Granule cells, donor3.CNhs12108.11636-122C7 | 19.65 |
Mouse Meningeal cells, donor1.CNhs12132.11716-123C6 | 28.46 |
Mouse Meningeal cells, donor3.CNhs12109.11639-122D1 | 24.90 |
Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor1.CNhs12628.11717-123C7 | 15.30 |
Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor2.CNhs12633.11735-123E7 | 18.79 |
Mouse Mesenchymal stem cells - bone marrow derived, donor3.CNhs12616.11640-122D2 | 7.82 |
Mouse Microglia, donor1.CNhs12629.11718-123C8 | 15.28 |
Mouse Microglia, donor2.CNhs12634.11736-123E8 | 9.61 |
Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor1.CNhs12025.11724-123D5 | 26.54 |
Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor2.CNhs11947.11742-123F5 | 24.17 |
Mouse Neurons - cortical, donor3.CNhs12112.11647-122D9 | 19.14 |
Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor2.CNhs12635.11738-123F1 | 23.71 |
Mouse Neurons - dorsal spinal cord, donor3.CNhs12618.11643-122D5 | 20.76 |
Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor1.CNhs12133.11721-123D2 | 20.82 |
Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor2.CNhs12359.11739-123F2 | 24.34 |
Mouse Neurons - hippocampal, donor3.CNhs12110.11644-122D6 | 15.63 |
Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor1.CNhs12631.11722-123D3 | 18.72 |
Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor2.CNhs12636.11740-123F3 | 21.45 |
Mouse Neurons - raphe, donor3.CNhs12619.11645-122D7 | 23.81 |
Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor1.CNhs12134.11723-123D4 | 23.21 |
Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor2.CNhs12360.11741-123F4 | 27.17 |
Mouse Neurons - striatal, donor3.CNhs12111.11646-122D8 | 24.48 |
Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor4, tech_rep1.CNhs12612.11489-119E4 | 20.10 |
Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor5.CNhs12614.11490-119E5 | 14.07 |
Mouse Neurons - substantia nigra, donor6.CNhs12643.11770-123I6 | 19.86 |
Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor1.CNhs12632.11725-123D6 | 18.56 |
Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor2.CNhs12638.11743-123F6 | 21.78 |
Mouse Neurons - ventral spinal cord, donor3.CNhs12113.11648-122E1 | 23.11 |
Mouse Schwann, donor1.CNhs12507.11728-123D9 | 23.93 |
Mouse Schwann, donor2.CNhs12573.11746-123F9 | 35.44 |
Mouse hepatic Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells, donor1.CNhs13209.11830-124G3 | 37.39 |
Mouse hepatic Stellate Cells (lipocyte), donor1.CNhs13196.11825-124F7 | 18.07 |
Mouse hepatocyte, donor1.CNhs13078.11714-123C4 | 21.76 |
Mouse hepatocyte, donor3.CNhs12615.11637-122C8 | 24.83 |
Mouse hepatocyte, donor6.CNhs13090.11822-124F4 | 23.39 |
Mouse hepatocyte, donor8.CNhs13091.11824-124F6 | 25.54 |
SABiosciences XpressRef Mouse Universal Total RNA, pool1.CNhs10611.10003-101A7 | 27.39 |
ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep1 (000hC4).CNhs11939.12338-130I7 | 16.36 |
ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep2 (000hC5).CNhs13275.12460-132E3 | 16.11 |
ST2 (Mesenchymal stem cells) cells, medium change (without induction), 00hr, biol_rep3 (000hC6).CNhs13324.12582-133I8 | 11.31 |
Sox2+ Supporting cells - organ of corti, pool1.CNhs12532.12157-128G6 | 20.42 |
TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep1.CNhs13407.12971-138H1 | 24.38 |
TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep2.CNhs13408.12987-138I8 | 30.58 |
TSt-4/DLL1 feeder cells, biol_rep3.CNhs13409.13003-139B6 | 56.89 |
Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep1.CNhs13739.13367-143G1 | 24.90 |
Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep2.CNhs13740.13368-143G2 | 29.39 |
Tracheal epithelial cells, differentiation to ciliated epithelial cells, 000hr, biol_rep3.CNhs13741.13369-143G3 | 33.36 |
Universal RNA - Mouse Normal Tissues Biochain, pool1.CNhs10613.10008-101B6 | 28.55 |
accessory axillary lymph node, adult.CNhs10475.1063-29H9 | 22.53 |
adrenal gland, adult.CNhs10508.49-24D7 | 25.83 |
adrenal gland, embryo E14.CNhs11038.406-44C5 | 22.55 |
adrenal gland, embryo E16.CNhs11004.1254-43D6 | 23.14 |
adrenal gland, embryo E17.CNhs11043.1263-45I1 | 23.29 |
adrenal gland, embryo E18.CNhs11026.1262-18F5 | 24.57 |
adrenal gland, neonate N00.CNhs11191.1311-23C1 | 33.75 |
adrenal gland, neonate N25.CNhs11223.1377-27I3 | 19.60 |
amnion, adult pregnant day17.5.CNhs10488.583-22A8 | 83.06 |
aorta, adult.CNhs10498.46-23H1 | 33.84 |
bone (os femoris), adult.CNhs10483.56-12G2 | 22.12 |
bone (os femoris), neonate N02.CNhs11227.1985-43F5 | 48.37 |
bone (os femoris), neonate N16.CNhs11225.1525-43A6 | 30.92 |
bone (os femoris), neonate N20.CNhs11195.1350-25C3 | 36.37 |
cecum, adult.CNhs10467.37-13H4 | 70.83 |
cerebellum, adult.CNhs10494.15-8B2 | 29.57 |
cerebellum, neonate N30.CNhs11135.1395-42I2 | 25.34 |
colon, adult.CNhs10468.36-18H7 | 45.22 |
common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep1.CNhs12550.12122-128C7 | 12.94 |
common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep2.CNhs12203.12125-128D1 | 7.80 |
common myeloid progenitor CMP, biol_rep3.CNhs12551.12128-128D4 | 10.55 |
corpora quadrigemina, adult.CNhs10501.16-22A4 | 24.87 |
corpus striatum, adult.CNhs10487.19-21D8 | 21.50 |
corpus striatum, neonate N00.CNhs11226.630-43F1 | 13.19 |
cortex, adult.CNhs10473.12-14D5 | 26.07 |
cortex, neonate N30.CNhs11107.1392-42F2 | 33.24 |
diencephalon, adult.CNhs10482.20-12F2 | 16.42 |
diencephalon, neonate N30.CNhs11201.1388-42B2 | 23.04 |
epididymis and seminiferous tubule, neonate N00.CNhs11218.1310-23B1 | 25.26 |
epididymis and seminiferous tubule, neonate N30.CNhs11199.1387-42A2 | 29.36 |
epididymis, adult.CNhs10490.58-23B2 | 15.67 |
eyeball, adult.CNhs10484.31-12G4 | 18.52 |
eyeball, embryo E12.CNhs11016.345-16C6 | 21.60 |
eyeball, embryo E14.CNhs10521.399-16E2 | 17.70 |
eyeball, embryo E15.CNhs10593.426-16C9 | 21.61 |
eyeball, embryo E17.CNhs11023.1261-18D4 | 30.59 |
eyeball, neonate N00.CNhs11207.633-15C6 | 27.96 |
eyeball, neonate N01.CNhs11140.1532-43E7 | 26.52 |
eyeball, neonate N02.CNhs11205.1551-44G8 | 26.99 |
eyeball, neonate N16.CNhs11188.777-19A2 | 25.09 |
forelimb, embryo E11.CNhs10596.335-25E2 | 24.79 |
forelimb, embryo E12.CNhs10600.359-14H2 | 25.91 |
forelimb, embryo E13.CNhs10589.384-1E2 | 24.99 |
forelimb, embryo E14.CNhs10577.413-26A8 | 21.92 |
forelimb, embryo E15.CNhs11007.437-20E7 | 26.97 |
forelimb, embryo E17.CNhs10598.1517-43C4 | 30.99 |
forelimb, embryo E18.CNhs11008.1520-43B5 | 43.01 |
gonad, embryo E13.CNhs11044.1564-45I6 | 25.68 |
granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep1.CNhs12206.12123-128C8 | 11.94 |
granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep2.CNhs12202.12126-128D2 | 8.24 |
granulocyte macrophage progenitor GMP, biol_rep3.CNhs11928.12129-128D5 | 9.95 |
heart, embryo E11.CNhs10586.331-24E9 | 30.45 |
heart, embryo E12.CNhs11015.353-12F5 | 25.33 |
heart, embryo E13.CNhs11013.376-3I9 | 29.89 |
heart, embryo E14.CNhs10597.403-26D4 | 35.27 |
heart, embryo E15.CNhs11017.431-16C8 | 30.89 |
heart, embryo E16.CNhs11021.457-17C6 | 31.93 |
heart, embryo E17.CNhs11025.479-18E5 | 32.09 |
heart, embryo E18.CNhs11030.1283-20G3 | 36.75 |
heart, neonate N00.CNhs11213.639-21E3 | 35.50 |
heart, neonate N03.CNhs11221.1349-25I2 | 34.23 |
heart, neonate N10.CNhs11118.749-24G1 | 30.04 |
heart, neonate N16.CNhs11209.782-15G1 | 36.72 |
heart, neonate N20.CNhs11127.821-26I6 | 28.95 |
heart, neonate N25.CNhs11196.1351-25D3 | 38.42 |
heart, neonate N30.CNhs11202.1390-42D2 | 32.21 |
hippocampus, adult.CNhs10478.13-16E8 | 22.08 |
hippocampus, neonate N00.CNhs11228.627-43G1 | 14.92 |
intestinal mucosa, adult.CNhs10506.860-29I3 | 60.80 |
intestine, adult.CNhs10496.178-9A3 | 48.66 |
intestine, embryo E12.CNhs11019.1251-16I5 | 23.89 |
intestine, embryo E13.CNhs11010.381-16D5 | 25.08 |
intestine, embryo E15.CNhs10602.976-16D8 | 29.38 |
intestine, embryo E16.CNhs10585.463-22H4 | 32.47 |
intestine, embryo E17.CNhs10582.482-18D3 | 31.36 |
intestine, embryo E18.CNhs10526.1289-20F7 | 27.39 |
intestine, neonate N00.CNhs11126.644-26D1 | 48.40 |
intestine, neonate N01.CNhs11192.1322-23E9 | 36.40 |
intestine, neonate N06.CNhs11102.688-20B8 | 31.67 |
intestine, neonate N07.CNhs11095.720-20F2 | 33.03 |
intestine, neonate N10.CNhs11098.755-23A5 | 37.63 |
intestine, neonate N20.CNhs11187.827-18D1 | 31.46 |
intestine, neonate N25.CNhs11121.1352-25E3 | 34.15 |
intestine, neonate N30.CNhs11131.1384-42G1 | 33.65 |
kidney, embryo E14.CNhs10606.411-4I9 | 22.00 |
kidney, embryo E15.CNhs10997.434-16F8 | 25.02 |
kidney, embryo E16.CNhs10584.464-22A5 | 23.67 |
kidney, embryo E17.CNhs11028.483-18I2 | 27.90 |
kidney, embryo E18.CNhs11001.1288-20C7 | 26.18 |
kidney, neonate N00.CNhs11214.646-21G7 | 27.91 |
kidney, neonate N10.CNhs11206.758-6D5 | 23.84 |
kidney, neonate N20.CNhs11113.832-19I1 | 29.67 |
kidney, neonate N25.CNhs11122.1353-25F3 | 21.67 |
kidney, neonate N30.CNhs11203.1385-42H1 | 25.30 |
liver, adult pregnant day01.CNhs10466.508-5B2 | 29.05 |
liver, embryo E12.CNhs10601.355-15F8 | 29.70 |
liver, embryo E13.CNhs10524.378-3H6 | 26.93 |
liver, embryo E14.CNhs10594.409-16E1 | 23.61 |
liver, embryo E15.CNhs10520.433-16D7 | 27.99 |
liver, embryo E16.CNhs10523.462-17F5 | 24.36 |
liver, embryo E17.CNhs10510.481-18A3 | 22.15 |
liver, embryo E18.CNhs10579.499-43G4 | 31.93 |
liver, neonate N00.CNhs11117.641-24F4 | 24.81 |
liver, neonate N03.CNhs11123.1345-25G2 | 21.42 |
liver, neonate N06.CNhs11101.684-20A8 | 70.45 |
liver, neonate N07.CNhs11103.716-20H2 | 22.70 |
liver, neonate N10.CNhs11115.751-24B9 | 23.40 |
liver, neonate N20.CNhs11220.823-25A3 | 27.03 |
liver, neonate N25.CNhs11198.1368-26H1 | 22.42 |
liver, neonate N30.CNhs11106.1382-42D1 | 28.46 |
lung, adult.CNhs10474.28-22B1 | 29.01 |
lung, embryo E12.CNhs10522.354-16G2 | 18.76 |
lung, embryo E14.CNhs10604.404-26F8 | 22.82 |
lung, embryo E15.CNhs11020.432-17C5 | 23.76 |
lung, embryo E16.CNhs10998.458-17B6 | 23.23 |
lung, embryo E17.CNhs10605.480-44A6 | 36.52 |
lung, embryo E18.CNhs10583.1287-20I6 | 37.13 |
lung, neonate N00.CNhs11224.640-42C6 | 46.64 |
lung, neonate N06.CNhs11212.683-20E5 | 38.31 |
lung, neonate N07.CNhs11111.715-19A3 | 30.12 |
lung, neonate N10.CNhs11219.750-23E6 | 36.36 |
lung, neonate N20.CNhs11109.822-18A4 | 37.03 |
lung, neonate N25.CNhs11119.1359-25C7 | 27.97 |
lung, neonate N30.CNhs11133.1394-42H2 | 33.70 |
macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool1.CNhs11457.3560-170A1 | 21.11 |
macrophage, bone marrow derived, pool2.CNhs11532.3632-171A1 | 18.49 |
mammary gland, adult lactating day02.CNhs10480.595-22B6 | 39.34 |
mammary gland, adult pregnant day19.CNhs10476.588-5H2 | 31.46 |
medulla oblongata, adult.CNhs10477.17-12C2 | 22.48 |
medulla oblongata, neonate N30.CNhs11200.1396-42A3 | 26.37 |
mouse fibroblast cell line: CRL-1658 NIH/3T3.CNhs11093.1830-49C7 | 32.30 |
muscle (biceps femoris), neonate N30.CNhs11129.1389-42C2 | 52.51 |
neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep1.CNhs13087.11810-124E1 | 25.56 |
neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep2.CNhs13088.11811-124E2 | 25.77 |
neurospheres - enteric neuron derived, biol_rep3.CNhs13089.11812-124E3 | 20.25 |
neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep1.CNhs13084.11807-124D7 | 22.70 |
neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep2.CNhs13085.11808-124D8 | 28.52 |
neurospheres - parasympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep3.CNhs13086.11809-124D9 | 33.97 |
neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep1.CNhs13081.11804-124D4 | 27.53 |
neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep2.CNhs13082.11805-124D5 | 28.93 |
neurospheres - sympathetic neuron derived, biol_rep3.CNhs13083.11806-124D6 | 28.86 |
olfactory brain, adult.CNhs10489.18-22I9 | 18.32 |
ovary, adult.CNhs10507.91-2I7 | 34.35 |
ovary, embryo E18.CNhs11040.505-44H7 | 26.18 |
ovary, neonate N00.CNhs11217.1299-22I4 | 24.11 |
oviduct, adult pregnant day01.CNhs10500.988-6G6 | 34.48 |
pancreas, adult.CNhs10486.34-16E4 | 33.19 |
pancreas, embryo E14.CNhs11012.405-44F4 | 25.73 |
pancreas, embryo E15.CNhs11042.1556-45F2 | 22.67 |
pancreas, embryo E16.CNhs11003.460-26E5 | 26.97 |
pancreas, embryo E17.CNhs10599.1558-45G3 | 32.48 |
pancreas, embryo E18.CNhs10580.1535-43I7 | 32.59 |
pancreas, neonate N00.CNhs11105.645-26G9 | 35.92 |
pancreas, neonate N01.CNhs11138.1531-43D7 | 22.18 |
pancreas, neonate N02.CNhs11139.1539-43D8 | 29.59 |
pancreas, neonate N16.CNhs11136.787-43B6 | 40.45 |
pancreas, neonate N25.CNhs11094.1555-45E2 | 31.63 |
pancreas, neonate N30.CNhs11182.1548-44H5 | 43.32 |
pituitary gland, adult.CNhs10493.21-1G8 | 23.15 |
pituitary gland, embryo E12.CNhs11018.346-16E6 | 24.67 |
pituitary gland, embryo E13.CNhs11009.370-44C7 | 28.46 |
pituitary gland, embryo E14.CNhs11037.398-44A5 | 24.01 |
pituitary gland, embryo E15.CNhs10592.427-16B9 | 35.11 |
pituitary gland, embryo E16.CNhs11036.449-43F6 | 31.93 |
pituitary gland, embryo E17.CNhs11039.1265-44F5 | 28.14 |
pituitary gland, neonate N00.CNhs11190.1308-22E9 | 20.40 |
placenta, adult pregnant day10.CNhs10472.539-13I7 | 41.77 |
placenta, adult pregnant day17.CNhs10464.577-18G3 | 66.30 |
prostate, adult.CNhs10470.859-1F8 | 18.30 |
skin, adult.CNhs10492.30-1C3 | 60.68 |
skin, neonate N00.CNhs11124.650-25G4 | 50.05 |
skin, neonate N03.CNhs11215.662-22H3 | 43.49 |
skin, neonate N06.CNhs11097.693-20I5 | 42.14 |
skin, neonate N10.CNhs11108.762-6C4 | 44.65 |
small intestine, neonate N16.CNhs11114.790-21I1 | 32.65 |
spinal cord, adult.CNhs10505.24-13C9 | 25.40 |
spleen, adult.CNhs10465.25-2G2 | 22.38 |
spleen, embryo E16.CNhs11035.461-43C1 | 18.37 |
spleen, embryo E18.CNhs11011.1271-21F2 | 24.26 |
spleen, neonate N10.CNhs11116.752-24D1 | 21.85 |
spleen, neonate N20.CNhs11112.824-19H1 | 29.80 |
spleen, neonate N25.CNhs11099.1354-25G3 | 26.54 |
stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep1.CNhs12534.12121-128C6 | 17.17 |
stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep2.CNhs12535.12124-128C9 | 15.53 |
stem cell (cKit+ Sca1- lineage-) KSL, biol_rep3.CNhs12536.12127-128D3 | 17.27 |
stomach, adult.CNhs10503.33-1H6 | 70.65 |
stomach, embryo E12.CNhs10588.356-43E3 | 26.26 |
stomach, embryo E15.CNhs10603.1252-16G8 | 29.28 |
stomach, embryo E16.CNhs11022.459-17D4 | 26.68 |
stomach, embryo E17.CNhs11006.1035-18D5 | 32.20 |
stomach, embryo E18.CNhs10999.1286-20C6 | 34.72 |
stomach, neonate N03.CNhs11193.1340-24B8 | 35.20 |
stomach, neonate N07.CNhs11210.718-18A9 | 37.19 |
stomach, neonate N25.CNhs11104.1355-25E4 | 53.14 |
stomach, neonate N30.CNhs11134.1386-42I1 | 43.81 |
submandibular gland, adult.CNhs10469.59-29C1 | 25.47 |
testis, adult.CNhs10504.57-7G5 | 16.91 |
testis, embryo E13.CNhs11031.389-23F5 | 30.65 |
testis, embryo E15.CNhs11034.443-27C5 | 20.19 |
testis, embryo E16.CNhs11033.470-26G5 | 24.11 |
testis, embryo E17.CNhs11029.486-18I5 | 24.28 |
testis, embryo E18.CNhs11027.503-18G5 | 27.88 |
testis, neonate N00.CNhs11189.1300-22B7 | 28.40 |
testis, neonate N07.CNhs11222.726-26I4 | 29.43 |
testis, neonate N10.CNhs11204.763-44D9 | 39.74 |
testis, neonate N20.CNhs11110.839-18H3 | 27.54 |
testis, neonate N30.CNhs11130.1391-42E2 | 23.33 |
thymus, adult.CNhs10471.38-12B5 | 16.12 |
thymus, embryo E14.CNhs11041.402-44I4 | 18.04 |
thymus, embryo E15.CNhs11005.430-45I2 | 15.30 |
thymus, embryo E16.CNhs11002.456-26C5 | 15.07 |
thymus, embryo E17.CNhs10581.478-18C1 | 17.19 |
thymus, embryo E18.CNhs10595.1273-19G4 | 13.31 |
thymus, neonate N02.CNhs11181.1541-43F8 | 13.34 |
thymus, neonate N03.CNhs11137.2104-43C7 | 12.85 |
thymus, neonate N06.CNhs11197.681-26C4 | 13.02 |
thymus, neonate N07.CNhs11211.713-19D3 | 12.12 |
thymus, neonate N10.CNhs11194.748-24E4 | 14.42 |
thymus, neonate N20.CNhs11186.820-7A2 | 16.37 |
thymus, neonate N25.CNhs11125.1362-25G7 | 17.61 |
thymus, neonate N30.CNhs11132.1393-42G2 | 16.36 |
tongue, adult.CNhs10499.32-1B4 | 47.61 |
trophoblast stem cell line B1 differentiation, day00, biol_rep1.CNhs13526.13297-142H3 | 52.61 |
trophoblast stem cell line R1AB differentiation, day00, biol_rep1.CNhs13481.13283-142F7 | 51.50 |
trophoblast stem cell line Rybp differentiation, day00, biol_rep1.CNhs13519.13290-142G5 | 74.37 |
urinary bladder, adult.CNhs10481.879-12E4 | 33.81 |
uterus, adult pregnant day19.CNhs10497.590-15F5 | 43.92 |
uterus, adult.CNhs10509.92-27E5 | 34.25 |
vagina, adult.CNhs10502.89-27D5 | 31.30 |
vesicular gland, adult.CNhs10491.51-27F8 | 25.08 |
visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor1.CNhs13031.10235-104A1 | 17.51 |
visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor2.CNhs13032.10236-104A2 | 18.41 |
visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor3.CNhs13033.10237-104A3 | 17.19 |
visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N15, donor5.CNhs13820.10349-105D7 | 19.93 |
visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor1.CNhs13034.10238-104A4 | 20.55 |
visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor2.CNhs13035.10239-104A5 | 24.17 |
visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N30, donor3.CNhs13036.10240-104A6 | 20.93 |
visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor1.CNhs13037.10241-104A7 | 22.97 |
visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor2.CNhs13038.10242-104A8 | 24.47 |
visual cortex - wildtype, neonate N60-70, donor3.CNhs13039.10243-104A9 | 20.19 |
whole body, embryo E11.CNhs11014.324-5I8 | 26.98 |
whole body, embryo E12.CNhs10587.857-27C9 | 34.72 |
whole body, embryo E13.CNhs10512.372-23H2 | 21.68 |
whole body, embryo E14.5.CNhs10578.420-27D2 | 30.15 |
whole body, embryo E14.CNhs10519.395-14B1 | 29.14 |
whole body, embryo E16.CNhs10514.453-14F2 | 42.65 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10479.3139-67G5 | 43.12 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10495.3139-67G5 | 36.88 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10511.3139-67G5 | 43.32 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10527.3139-67G5 | 40.18 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10591.3139-67G5 | 39.80 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10607.3139-67G5 | 40.18 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10623.3139-67G5 | 36.61 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10639.3139-67G5 | 38.80 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10655.3139-67G5 | 41.07 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10725.3139-67G5 | 40.96 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10749.3139-67G5 | 40.44 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10840.3139-67G5 | 42.63 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10856.3139-67G5 | 44.09 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs10880.3139-67G5 | 41.66 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11000.3139-67G5 | 41.49 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11024.3139-67G5 | 34.43 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11032.3139-67G5 | 40.06 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11048.3139-67G5 | 36.34 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11072.3139-67G5 | 38.87 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11080.3139-67G5 | 38.16 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11096.3139-67G5 | 42.81 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11120.3139-67G5 | 36.30 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11128.3139-67G5 | 37.62 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11184.3139-67G5 | 47.14 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11208.3139-67G5 | 41.52 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11216.3139-67G5 | 43.64 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11246.3139-67G5 | 34.78 |
whole body, embryo E17.5, pool1 (internal control).CNhs11278.3139-67G5 | 36.41 |
whole body, embryo E17.5.CNhs10513.490-9F9 | 36.85 |
whole body, embryo E17.CNhs10517.475-3I5 | 29.23 |
whole body, embryo E18.CNhs10516.493-3B3 | 41.41 |
whole body, neonate N00.CNhs10525.657-19C2 | 29.01 |
whole body, neonate N01.CNhs10576.659-23C6 | 39.98 |
whole body, neonate N06.CNhs10515.692-21D1 | 34.19 |
whole body, neonate N10.CNhs10518.761-6B4 | 34.55 |