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Cell lineage

CL:0000055 (non-terminally differentiated cell) - 181 samples in CSV

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CL:0000066 (epithelial cell) - 710 samples in CSV

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CL:0000219 (motile cell) - 907 samples in CSV

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CL:0002321 (embryonic cell) - 194 samples in CSV

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CL:0002371 (somatic cell) - 2301 samples in CSV

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0014667 (disease of metabolism) (6)

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0050177 (monogenic disease) (33)

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14566 (disease of cellular proliferation) (629)

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  • 10399-106A3 (acute myeloid leukemia (FAB M5) cell line:THP-1 (fresh), Human (Homo sapiens))
  • 10400-106A4 (acute myeloid leukemia (FAB M5) cell line:THP-1 (revived), Human (Homo sapiens))
  • 10405-106A9 (acute myeloid leukemia (FAB M5) cell line:THP-1 (thawed), Human (Homo sapiens))

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225 (syndrome) (1)

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  • 10772-110F7 (myelodysplastic syndrome cell line:SKM-1, Human (Homo sapiens))

7 (disease of anatomical entity) (172)

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  • 10050-101G5 (heart, adult, diseased post-infarction, donor1, Human (Homo sapiens))
  • 10051-101G6 (heart, adult, diseased, donor1, Human (Homo sapiens))
  • 10411-106B6 (renal cell carcinoma cell line:OS-RC-2, Human (Homo sapiens))

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Cell lines