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Property:Rna concentration


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The type of this property is string

Showing 100 pages using this property.
1.7  +
1.9  +
2.6  +
2.4  +
1.8  +
2.4  +
1.9  +
2.6  +
2.5  +
2.7  +
2.8  +
1.6  +
2.1  +
2.4  +
2.4  +
1.9  +
2.4  +
2.7  +
159  +
109  +
290  +
0.214  +
0.133  +
0.134  +
0.215  +
0.138  +
0.467  +
0.71  +
0.233  +
0.278  +
0.488  +
0.799  +
1.961  +
0.156  +
0.149  +
0.098  +
0.218  +
0.156  +
0.409  +
0.641  +
0.325  +
0.282  +
0.465  +
0.946  +
2.806  +
0.157  +
0.125  +
0.14  +
0.198  +
0.15  +
0.404  +
0.612  +
0.088  +
0.175  +
0.48  +
1.097  +
0.693  +