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Coexpression cluster:C4312


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Full id: C4312_cervical_Small_malignant_Sebocyte_oral_epidermoid_squamous

Phase1 CAGE Peaks


Enriched pathways on this co-expression cluster<b>Summary:</b><br>Canonical pathway gene sets were compiled from Reactome, Wikipathways and KEGG. For the major signaling pathways, the transcriptionally-regulated genes (downstream targets) were obtained from Netpath. Combined, the canonical pathways and downstream targets totaled 489 human gene sets. The corresponding M. musculus gene sets were inferred by homology using the HomoloGene database. Enrichment for each of the canonical 489 pathways and gene sets included in the co-expression cluster was assessed by the hypergeometric probability. The resulting P values were also then adjusted by the Benjamini-Hochberg method for multiple comparisons.<br><b>Analyst: </b>Emmanuel Dimont<br><br>link to source dataset<br>data

No results for this coexpression

Enriched Gene Ontology terms on this co-expression cluster<b>Summary:</b> Results for GOStat analysis on co-expressed clusters. Each cluster with promoters mapping to at least two different genes was analysed with GOStat (PMID: 14962934) with default parameter. <br><b>Analyst:</b> Erik Arner<br><br>link to source dataset<br>data

GO IDGO nameFDR corrected p-value
GO:0045747positive regulation of Notch signaling pathway0.00588720122453785
GO:0008593regulation of Notch signaling pathway0.00588720122453785
GO:0002347response to tumor cell0.00588720122453785
GO:0051289protein homotetramerization0.00662310137760509
GO:0051262protein tetramerization0.0100082420817143
GO:0051260protein homooligomerization0.0165912034509703
GO:0007219Notch signaling pathway0.0165912034509703
GO:0030308negative regulation of cell growth0.0165912034509703
GO:0045792negative regulation of cell size0.0165912034509703
GO:0045926negative regulation of growth0.0165912034509703
GO:0051259protein oligomerization0.0165912034509703
GO:0009967positive regulation of signal transduction0.0312582350731415
GO:0001558regulation of cell growth0.0312582350731415
GO:0016049cell growth0.0312582350731415
GO:0040008regulation of growth0.0312582350731415
GO:0045892negative regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent0.0312582350731415
GO:0008361regulation of cell size0.0312582350731415
GO:0006917induction of apoptosis0.0312582350731415
GO:0012502induction of programmed cell death0.0312582350731415
GO:0016564transcription repressor activity0.0312582350731415
GO:0045893positive regulation of transcription, DNA-dependent0.0312582350731415
GO:0043065positive regulation of apoptosis0.0317254732655651
GO:0043068positive regulation of programmed cell death0.0317254732655651
GO:0045941positive regulation of transcription0.0317254732655651
GO:0045935positive regulation of nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolic process0.0317254732655651
GO:0009607response to biotic stimulus0.0317254732655651
GO:0016481negative regulation of transcription0.0317254732655651
GO:0016563transcription activator activity0.0323796067349582
GO:0045934negative regulation of nucleobase, nucleoside, nucleotide and nucleic acid metabolic process0.0323796067349582
GO:0006461protein complex assembly0.0333608069390478
GO:0042802identical protein binding0.0335754444836924
GO:0031325positive regulation of cellular metabolic process0.0335754444836924
GO:0031324negative regulation of cellular metabolic process0.0338514070410927
GO:0009893positive regulation of metabolic process0.0338514070410927
GO:0009892negative regulation of metabolic process0.0366688533414072
GO:0000902cell morphogenesis0.0380281376395824
GO:0032989cellular structure morphogenesis0.0380281376395824
GO:0042981regulation of apoptosis0.0434747167350488
GO:0043067regulation of programmed cell death0.0434747167350488

Enriched sample ontology terms on this co-expression cluster<b>Summary:</b>To summarize promoter activities (expression profile of a TSS region) across ~1000 samples, we performed enrichment analysis based on FANTOM5 Sample Ontology (FF ontology). The question here is “in which type of samples the promoter is more active”. To answer this question, we compared expressions (TPMs) in the samples associated with a sample ontology term and the rest of the samples by using the Mann-Whitney rank sum test. To summarize ontologies enriched in this co-expression cluster, we ran the same analysis on an averaged expression profile of all promoters that make up. <b>Analyst:</b> Hideya Kawaji <br><br>links to source dataset<br><br>cell_data<br>uberon_data<br>disease_data<br>

Cell Type
Ontology termp-valuen
endo-epithelial cell1.92e-1243
endodermal cell1.58e-0959
epithelial cell of alimentary canal5.74e-0921
general ecto-epithelial cell1.09e-0813
respiratory epithelial cell1.81e-0713
Uber Anatomy
Ontology termp-valuen
respiratory system1.77e-1072
oral opening5.81e-1021
endoderm-derived structure2.30e-09169
presumptive endoderm2.30e-09169
gland of gut5.30e-0710
Ontology termp-valuen
squamous cell carcinoma8.08e-1014

Overrepresented TFBS (DNA) motifs on this co-expression cluster<b>Summary:</b>The values shown are the p-values for overrepresentation of the motif in this coexpression cluster. So a small p-value means a strong overrepresentation. <b>Analyst:</b> Michiel de Hoon <br><br>link to source data <br> Novel motifs <br>data <br><br> Jaspar motifs <br>data

Novel motifs

JASPAR motifs



ENCODE TF ChIP-seq peak enrichment analysis<b>Summary:</b> For each TF and each co-expression cluster, the number of promoters with ENCODE TF ChIP signal was compared with the rest of promoters from the robust set using Fisher's exact test. Clusters with significant ChIP enrichment (q <= 0.05) after Benjamini-Hochberg correction were retained. <br><b>Analyst:</b> Erik Arner<br><br>link to source dataset<br><br>data

No analysis results for this cluster

Relative expression of the co-expression cluster<b>Summary:</b>Co-expression clusters are compared against FANTOM5 samples to obtain relative expression. <br><b>Analyst:</b>NA<br><br>link to data source<br> data

This analysis result is provided for C0 - C305 clusters.