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MCL coexpression mm9:783


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Phase1 CAGE Peaks

 Short description

Enriched pathways on this co-expression cluster<b>Summary:</b><br>Canonical pathway gene sets were compiled from Reactome, Wikipathways and KEGG. For the major signaling pathways, the transcriptionally-regulated genes (downstream targets) were obtained from Netpath. Combined, the canonical pathways and downstream targets totaled 489 human gene sets. The corresponding M. musculus gene sets were inferred by homology using the HomoloGene database. Enrichment for each of the canonical 489 pathways and gene sets included in the co-expression cluster was assessed by the hypergeometric probability. The resulting P values were also then adjusted by the Benjamini-Hochberg method for multiple comparisons.<br><b>Analyst: </b>Emmanuel Dimont<br><br>link to source dataset<br>data

GO IDGO nameFDR corrected p-value
GO:0007184SMAD protein nuclear translocation0.0207038874717054
GO:0007182common-partner SMAD protein phosphorylation0.0207038874717054
GO:0000060protein import into nucleus, translocation0.0207038874717054
GO:0051016barbed-end actin filament capping0.0207038874717054
GO:0051693actin filament capping0.0207038874717054
GO:0030835negative regulation of actin filament depolymerization0.0207038874717054
GO:0030834regulation of actin filament depolymerization0.0207038874717054
GO:0030042actin filament depolymerization0.0207038874717054
GO:0008064regulation of actin polymerization and/or depolymerization0.0207038874717054
GO:0051261protein depolymerization0.0207038874717054
GO:0032535regulation of cellular component size0.0207038874717054
GO:0032956regulation of actin cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis0.0207038874717054
GO:0030832regulation of actin filament length0.0207038874717054
GO:0051493regulation of cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis0.0207038874717054
GO:0033043regulation of organelle organization and biogenesis0.0207038874717054
GO:0051129negative regulation of cellular component organization and biogenesis0.0207038874717054
GO:0008154actin polymerization and/or depolymerization0.0229209482482917
GO:0007179transforming growth factor beta receptor signaling pathway0.0248906003629147
GO:0051128regulation of cellular component organization and biogenesis0.0264286242313037
GO:0006606protein import into nucleus0.0264286242313037
GO:0051170nuclear import0.0264286242313037
GO:0017038protein import0.0283199754224538
GO:0051248negative regulation of protein metabolic process0.028778554884952
GO:0007178transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway0.0320311569592509
GO:0006913nucleocytoplasmic transport0.034793604889888
GO:0051169nuclear transport0.034793604889888
GO:0005516calmodulin binding0.0385338876605893

Relative expression of the co-expression cluster over median <br>Analyst:

Enriched sample ontology terms on this co-expression cluster<b>Summary:</b>To summarize promoter activities (expression profile of a TSS region) across ~1000 samples, we performed enrichment analysis based on FANTOM5 Sample Ontology (FF ontology). The question here is “in which type of samples the promoter is more active”. To answer this question, we compared expressions (TPMs) in the samples associated with a sample ontology term and the rest of the samples by using the Mann-Whitney rank sum test. To summarize ontologies enriched in this co-expression cluster, we ran the same analysis on an averaged expression profile of all promoters that make up. <b>Analyst:</b> Hideya Kawaji <br><br>links to source dataset<br><br><br>uberon_data<br><br>

Uber Anatomy
Ontology termp-valuen
primary circulatory organ5.69e-1118
primitive heart tube5.69e-1118
primary heart field5.69e-1118
anterior lateral plate mesoderm5.69e-1118
heart tube5.69e-1118
heart primordium5.69e-1118
cardiac mesoderm5.69e-1118
cardiogenic plate5.69e-1118
heart rudiment5.69e-1118
cardiovascular system8.53e-1023
circulatory system8.53e-1023
respiratory tube8.39e-0914
respiration organ8.39e-0914
pair of lungs8.39e-0914
lung primordium8.39e-0914
lung bud8.39e-0914
splanchnic layer of lateral plate mesoderm1.16e-0833
compound organ2.39e-0843
epithelial bud2.59e-0717

TFBS overrepresentation<b>Summary:</b>The values shown are the p-values for overrepresentation of the motif in this coexpression cluster. So a small p-value means a strong overrepresentation. <b>Analyst:</b> Michiel de Hoon <br><br>link to source data <br> Novel motifs <br>data <br><br> Jaspar motifs <br>data

Novel motifs

JASPAR motifs

