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Phase1 CAGE Peaks

 Short description

Enriched pathways on this co-expression cluster<b>Summary:</b><br>Canonical pathway gene sets were compiled from Reactome, Wikipathways and KEGG. For the major signaling pathways, the transcriptionally-regulated genes (downstream targets) were obtained from Netpath. Combined, the canonical pathways and downstream targets totaled 489 human gene sets. The corresponding M. musculus gene sets were inferred by homology using the HomoloGene database. Enrichment for each of the canonical 489 pathways and gene sets included in the co-expression cluster was assessed by the hypergeometric probability. The resulting P values were also then adjusted by the Benjamini-Hochberg method for multiple comparisons.<br><b>Analyst: </b>Emmanuel Dimont<br><br>link to source dataset<br>data

GO IDGO nameFDR corrected p-value
GO:0032990cell part morphogenesis0.00383725525219653
GO:0030030cell projection organization and biogenesis0.00383725525219653
GO:0048858cell projection morphogenesis0.00383725525219653
GO:0035084flagellum axoneme biogenesis0.00394401676804148
GO:0007288sperm axoneme assembly0.00394401676804148
GO:0035082axoneme biogenesis0.00394401676804148
GO:0032989cellular structure morphogenesis0.00394401676804148
GO:0000902cell morphogenesis0.00394401676804148
GO:0009296flagellum biogenesis0.00394401676804148
GO:0043064flagellum organization and biogenesis0.00414110414531841
GO:0040015negative regulation of multicellular organism growth0.004436654167573
GO:0001578microtubule bundle formation0.004436654167573
GO:0045494photoreceptor cell maintenance0.004550289848289
GO:0045926negative regulation of growth0.0105588312374131
GO:0009653anatomical structure morphogenesis0.0132778908246798
GO:0007286spermatid development0.0152961233346457
GO:0048515spermatid differentiation0.0152961233346457
GO:0030031cell projection biogenesis0.0157579132921437
GO:0040014regulation of multicellular organism growth0.0161708207912581
GO:0035264multicellular organism growth0.0171587491100827
GO:0030534adult behavior0.0171587491100827
GO:0000226microtubule cytoskeleton organization and biogenesis0.0171829064360956
GO:0048856anatomical structure development0.0255344755434262
GO:0007601visual perception0.0261915865658138
GO:0050953sensory perception of light stimulus0.0261915865658138
GO:0016043cellular component organization and biogenesis0.0323024183464406
GO:0040008regulation of growth0.0323024183464406
GO:0007017microtubule-based process0.0370132419321383
GO:0048232male gamete generation0.0382550392137857
GO:0019725cellular homeostasis0.039810733065846
GO:0032502developmental process0.039810733065846
GO:0007276gamete generation0.0445187564059488

Relative expression of the co-expression cluster over median <br>Analyst:

Enriched sample ontology terms on this co-expression cluster<b>Summary:</b>To summarize promoter activities (expression profile of a TSS region) across ~1000 samples, we performed enrichment analysis based on FANTOM5 Sample Ontology (FF ontology). The question here is “in which type of samples the promoter is more active”. To answer this question, we compared expressions (TPMs) in the samples associated with a sample ontology term and the rest of the samples by using the Mann-Whitney rank sum test. To summarize ontologies enriched in this co-expression cluster, we ran the same analysis on an averaged expression profile of all promoters that make up. <b>Analyst:</b> Hideya Kawaji <br><br>links to source dataset<br><br>cell_data<br>uberon_data<br><br>

Cell Type
Ontology termp-valuen
CNS neuron (sensu Vertebrata)3.69e-0823
neuroblast (sensu Vertebrata)3.69e-0823
neuronal stem cell5.39e-0833
electrically signaling cell5.39e-0833
electrically responsive cell8.69e-0739
electrically active cell8.69e-0739

Uber Anatomy
Ontology termp-valuen
neural plate6.38e-2664
presumptive neural plate6.38e-2664
ectoderm-derived structure9.39e-2495
presumptive ectoderm9.39e-2495
central nervous system1.43e-2373
nervous system2.45e-2275
pre-chordal neural plate3.26e-2249
regional part of nervous system4.62e-2254
neural tube6.28e-2152
neural rod6.28e-2152
future spinal cord6.28e-2152
neural keel6.28e-2152
future brain5.67e-2047
structure with developmental contribution from neural crest1.07e-1992
regional part of brain2.93e-1946
anterior neural tube6.06e-1840
regional part of forebrain2.87e-1739
future forebrain2.87e-1739
gray matter5.80e-1334
brain grey matter5.75e-1229
regional part of telencephalon5.75e-1229
cerebral cortex5.76e-0921
cerebral hemisphere5.76e-0921
anatomical conduit1.34e-08122
regional part of cerebral cortex4.83e-0817
multi-cellular organism1.23e-07333
occipital lobe4.02e-0710
visual cortex4.02e-0710

TFBS overrepresentation<b>Summary:</b>The values shown are the p-values for overrepresentation of the motif in this coexpression cluster. So a small p-value means a strong overrepresentation. <b>Analyst:</b> Michiel de Hoon <br><br>link to source data <br> Novel motifs <br>data <br><br> Jaspar motifs <br>data

Novel motifs

JASPAR motifs

